
2019年7月9日—Standupsmoothlyat3o'clockandkeepyourweightback·Keepyourhandslightliketypingonyourkeyboard·Atthe5o'clockpedalstroke ...,2021年10月20日—It'strue:outofsaddlecyclingwithoutthepropertechnique...Thismakesitanespeciallypotenttechniqueforsprintingandclimbinghills.,2023年10月9日—Themainoneisthatitcanhelptoreducemusclefatigue.Standinguponthebiketakesthepressureoffmusclegroupsthatdotheworkwh...

How to Master Climbing Out of the Saddle on Your Bike

2019年7月9日 — Stand up smoothly at 3 o'clock and keep your weight back · Keep your hands light like typing on your keyboard · At the 5 o'clock pedal stroke ...

Cycling out of the Saddle

2021年10月20日 — It's true: out of saddle cycling without the proper technique ... This makes it an especially potent technique for sprinting and climbing hills.

What you should know about riding out of the saddle

2023年10月9日 — The main one is that it can help to reduce muscle fatigue. Standing up on the bike takes the pressure off muscle groups that do the work when ...

How to climb in and out of the saddle

Get out of the saddle on a climb to add a short burst of speed or just to stretch the legs. It can also be useful to stand on the pedals when the pitch gets a ...

What is the Best Out of the Saddle Pedaling Technique for ...

On short, rolling hills, the trick is to click to the next higher gear (smaller cog), then stand and pedal up and over with a slightly slower cadence. This ...

How to Ride in and out of the Saddle

This video targets beginners to the sport of road cycling to help them get started! Learn how to ride out of the saddle when climbing with our free road cycling

How to Improve Your Riding out of the Saddle

Recruiting that additional power can help you get up a short steep climb faster than if you were to stay seated. Sprinting is another time where staying in the ...